Complaints Procedure

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Westhamtickets (label of P1 Travel) Complaints Procedure

Although we always strive to provide good customer service, we recognise you might not always feel completely satisfied. If that happens, let us know and we’ll do our utmost to find a suitable solution for you.

How can you submit a complaint to Westhamtickets (label of P1 Travel)?
Website: submit your complaint to us online through our customer service page ‘Contact’.
By telephone: communicate your complaint to us by telephone on +31851301550, local rate, on weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm.
By email:

How will your complaint be handled at Westhamtickets (label of P1 Travel)?
We’ll try to deal with your complaint within seven days of receipt. If we need more time, you’ll receive an acknowledgement of receipt within these seven days and we’ll tell you when you can expect a more detailed response from us.

Do you disagree with Westhamtickets (label of P1 Travel) response to your complaint?
We want you to be satisfied with our response to your complaint. If you disagree with the outcome, you have six weeks to appeal. You can do this by writing us a letter, stating that you disagree and want a different solution. Your letter will need to include the following information:
a description of your complaint and why you disagree with our initial response
your name, address, telephone number and email address
your customer number
your signature.
You can email your letter to, or post it to:
Westhamtickets (label of P1 Travel)
Rooseveltstraat 55
2321 BL Leiden
The Netherlands

Our customer service team will acknowledge receipt of your letter and state when you will receive a reply. Usually, this will be within a few weeks, but no longer than three months.

Submitting a complaint to the Disputes Committee
A complaint about one of Westhamtickets (label of P1 Travel) products or services can also be submitted using a complaint form on the consumer page of the Dispute Committee website through the European ODR Platform, which can be accessed at EC Europa